Sunday, April 22, 2012


Cancellation becomes the word of the week in Caitlin's crazy life.

People seem to care less about a commitment in this era. Do you agree? Whether it be marriage, raising a child or showing up to a meeting, people have lost that effort. 


Even when money is on the table people would rather attend other events. These other events could blatantly be less beneficial and there is still lack of respect. 

Our fast lives will one day catch up with us. Maybe I'm sounding like your grandma, but I really don't like how my own generation is dealing with life. 

Everyone seems to want a big dream, but when it boils down to the real business of achieving they slough off. 

I hope when I finally find a paid job I will be surrounded by go-getters. It's ok to take a day off and chill out every now and then, but I need a team of people who understand when it's grind time.

~Peace Out~


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Short & Sweet!

Photo shoot went well. I love El Campanario <Columbus>! Both the guys have amazing talent & I highly recommend their services. You dream it..they produce it. 

In preparation for the photo shoot I worked with my trainer for four days a week and drastically altered my diet. I felt the need to indulge and "pig out" after the completion of the shoot. Thus, late last night I arrived at Roosters with a big cloud above my head, a vivid picture of mac & cheese bites appearing in the mist. 

Love. The warm, cheesy center and breaded crust were sinful. As the basket began to empty the consumption of the little cheese bite left my stomach with an indescribable pain. Lust. Since the snack didn't return my emotional attachment, I will go back to my apples and grapes today.

As I sit in class and multiple task, my brain begins to inflate. Content for a research paper is resting to the left of my brain. I'm attempting to focus on the current lecture, but other ideas of a future career, internship projects and various other things put a crochet hat over my ability to concentrate. 

I hope to have more accomplished by the next post. 

Thanks for reading!


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Hold up! Wait a minute! Let me put my two cents in it!

Goal: To get the blogging world up to speed on my life since last Tuesday without having them pass out from boredom.

As advised, I sent my email off to a social marketing firm in hopes of moving in, like OSU men's basketball team did to the Final Four. Well, sorry guys and gals no return message & if you didn't hear the men's basketball team got SPANKED in the last quarter.

Thus, my plans that I had set aside in my bottom dresser drawer began to knock on my head and that infamous light bulb flashed on. 

 (Jacked from 

If I don't have enough on field experience, I'll make myself go through every step taught in those intriguing communication classes. I'm going to break out of my shell and push forward with my own social marketing business aimed at clubs, lounges and bars. 

In the past couple of months I have had simple aspects of the business completed. For example, I had illustration work for the logo and font of the business name by Matthew Spurlock, the hiralous but lovable ginger. Go check out for a look inside his cabeza. 


Anyway, drama with my first piece in The Lantern caused me to speak with the Moscato over the weekend.

First off Jared Anderson is an amazing PIERCER. So way to editors at The Lantern for discrediting me as a writer!

Secondly, I understand that edits need to be made to fit the college paper format, however I had no idea they had THAT much editorial power.  

Furthermore, the misprint caused Jared to rant and rave on my cell over the weekend until I finally turned off my phone. There was nothing I could do but to apologize for a mistake I DIDN'T commit.

Thus, trying to edit my "Ringside Cafe" piece it getting put on the back burner.

Hopefully, this week turns out to be a little more positive.

Signing off with a half way smile :/,
