Tuesday, July 8, 2014


I have let myself go.

Boxing twice a week for three hours and cardio workouts two days a week wasn't enough.

My appetite grew, as well as my stomach.

I can say with completely anguish, the scale doesn't lie and I'm the heaviest I've ever been.

Stress eating is the number one reason for my lack of discipline. For a few weeks I can be strict with healthy diet choices, but end up gobbling up anxiety with Brookside chocolate (because chocolate covered fruit is healthy right?).

However, as my hips widen and my feet disappear I'm left with a deep feeling of regret.

Along with failing every weight loss goal in the last year, I lost my passion for writing. I can blame in on the jobs I endured, stress in the family or be completely honest and say it was my fault.

Today is a new day.

My goal is large.

I want to lose 65 lbs by the end of this year.

6 months.

Follow my journey via this blog & Twitter.

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