Joe Crachiola/Courtesy of The Macomb Daily
This single photograph taken over 40 years ago recently went viral.
Today NPR shared the story of Joesph Crachiola, the photographer who stumbled upon the kids pictured above in a alley during the 1970s. Despite the shade difference of their skin tone, these young children played together. No hate. Pure fun.
The article on the NPR web site stated a challenging question proposed by the Crachiola, "When do we begin to judge one another based on gender or race?"
Race inequality isn't biological and the proof is displayed with these children. We are taught within our own community to judge others by a variety of factors from the paycheck that comes through their door, the clothes they wear and the color of their skin.
When the Zimmerman verdict was revealed, many burned with rage. These emotions created a visual division. Separation of our people is NOT what this country needs. The horizon is within sight, prosperity is within reach. We can't allow for one case to separate us. Instead come together and resolve (or better yet DISSOLVE) the core issue. Teach our children not to hate and be defensive only when necessary.
Before you return to Candy Crush, Instagram and other time erasing applications remember this...
Lesson to be learned: Peace is not weakness, rather a courageous arrow in our psychological moral compass.
You can quote me! ;)